The student news site of Smithson Valley High School in Spring Branch, Texas

Margaret Edmonson

The display of Hayley Ferro’s new jewelry line, Down South, is available in the student store.

Down south

A new jewelry line drops in the student store

While walking into her entrepreneurship class one day, junior Haley Ferro was wearing some of her handmade jewelry. After seeing the jewelry Ferro was wearing, entrepreneurship teacher Gloria Wolfshol  knew that she wanted to have Ferro’s creations in the  student store.

“I was wearing the Miss America set and Ms. Wolfshohl saw it.” Ferro said. “She asked if I made it and then she basically threw the opportunity in my lap.”

The line consists of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and anklets in six different patterns.

“The line will have patterns in Arizona Sky, Sante Fe Trail, Miss America, Ranger Pride, pink out and Wild as the Wind.” Ferro said.

The items, which are made from beads and wire, are all handmade by Ferro. Her process begins by measuring a piece of wire and threading  beads on it. Once finished stringing on the beads, she  adds on something called a crimp bead clamp, to essentially close off the ends. Finally, she  adds on the finishing clasp, holding the piece together.

Ferro  currently doesn’t sell it anywhere else. However, she is looking to maybe open an online store in the future.

“This is pretty new, so this is my first test launch.” Ferro said. “I may expand to an online store, but it’s still in the making.”

So many teenagers struggle to figure out what they want to do after high school, so Ferro took this opportunity in order to get a feel for business early. 

“It’s a nice feeling knowing that people are buying something that I made.” Ferro said, “I think it’s a great experience and I’m loving the business aspect of it.”

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