Gia Herrera
While they compete in the 2023 home run derby, seniors Ethan Gonzalez and David De Hoyos slap hands. De Hoyos won the homerun derby.
2 p.m. East Central
3 p.m. Houston Strafford
5:30 p.m. Baseball retiring No. 25, Cody Fuller’s Jersey
6 p.m. El Paso Socorro.
To be announced

Ranger Relays
March 4
9:00 – Field Events: Varsity – 4 attempts in all throws/horizontal jumps. (JV – 3 attempts)
Shot Put: Ring 1 – JVB, JVG
Shot Put: Ring 2 – VG, VB
High Jump:
Pit 1 – VG, VB
Pit 2 – JVB, JVG
(North end of upper practice field)
Pole Vault: Pit 1: VG, VB
Pole Vault: Pit 2: JVB, JVG
Triple Jump: Pit 1 (lower field) – VB, VG
Long Jump: Pit 2 (lower field) – VG, VB
Triple Jump: Lane 6 (South end) – JVB, JVG
Long Jump: Lane 2 (South end) – JVG, JVB
9:30 – Running Final –
3200 M Run – JVG, VG, JVB, VB
11:15 – Field Events: (or after varsity jumping is done)
Discus: Ring 1 – JVB, JVG
Discus: Ring 2 – VG, VB
1:00 – Running Finals:
Order of events:
400 M Relay: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
800 M Run: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
100 M Hurdles: JVG, VG
110 M Hurdles: JVB, VB
100 M Dash: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
800 M Relay: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
Throwers’ 4X100 VG, VB
400 M Dash: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
300 M Hurdles: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
200 M Dash: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
1600 M Run: JVG, JVB, VG, VB
1600 M Relay: JVG, JVB, VG, VB