Don’t sound the alarm

The fire alarm next to the doors outside of A-wing

Jack Padgett

The fire alarm next to the doors outside of A-wing

Jack Padgett, Entertainment Editor

The fire alarm was pulled three times over the last week, and students forget the significance of the alarm as well as the consequences they face for pulling it.

Firstly, the fire alarm is not meant to help a student get out of a test or chat with friends. The alarm is only meant to be pulled if someone truly believes there is a fire in the school.

According to state law it is a state jail felony and an arrestable offence to report a present, past, or future fire that they know is false or baseless.

A state jail felony can range from 180 days to 2 years in state jail and are fined no more than $10,000.

Despite the huge consequences some students still falsely pull the alarm and believe that they will not get caught. However, the chances that they will not be caught are very slim, as the school can easily identify students through security cameras.

“Everything is looked at through the videos,” campus cop Daniel Valenzuela said. “We have yearbooks and ask other teachers. If not a student we go through other means.”

With the consequences for pulling the alarm being so great should a student not pull it if they think there is a fire but aren’t sure. No! If a person truly believes and had cause that there was a fire and were mistaken they will not get in trouble.

“We would have to look at the video, look at everything and make sure the circumstances are okay,” Valenzuela said. “We can determine it.”

The biggest reason of all to not pull the alarm is because it wastes the time of fire fighters because they have to spend time driving to the school rather than dive to help someone who actually is in need of real help.