The student news site of Smithson Valley High School in Spring Branch, Texas

Coach pushes ahead to season

Girls' basketball gets new leadership

October 4, 2019

Samantha Martinez

Girls’ basketball coach, Mathew Sutherland settles into new office and a new team.

It’s only been six weeks, and the girls’ basketball team already knows one thing about coach Mathew Sutherland: he’s a pusher.

As head of a rambunctious fleet of girls, he implements his own effective teaching style. Pushing them until they break all preconceived limits, then pushing them a bit more.

“Energy and effort over everything,” are the hallmarks of Sutherland’s values on the court.. 

Sutherland became coach after a stint at Midland Lee High School as a girl’s basketball coach. Following his skill in the coaching arena, he brought his passion for both the game and the students. 

“I’ve always been passionate about basketball, and I like being involved with youths and helping them to achieve their goals,” Sutherland said.

He believes in his players’ ability to reach any height as long as they are willing to put forward the effort necessary to achieve it.

 “He pushes you to be the best player you can be,”  sophomore Mariana Bazan said.

Regarding the state of the team, he seems to have a positive outlook.

 “They are very talented and have a lot of experience,” he said. “They play hard and bring energy, but there are a lot of areas for growth”.  

Originally from Odessa, he has taught in two other states and balances work with three kids and a wife who teaches on campus. Jennifer Sutherland works as an inclusion support teacher in English, government and economics classes. House management is his wife’s area of expertise. 

“At home, my wife is head coach” the coach said.

Welcoming the young season and all its possibilities, Sutherland stands ready to push his players as far as they will go.

“Coach Sutherland pushes you to try your hardest and he encourages you to always finish,” player Gabby Elliot,said.

  The new year brings a fresh string of trials as the girls traverse the intense training style of their newest coach. 

“I don’t know if we will work well together,” Sutherland said. “It depends if they like hard work, but they have a great personality and I am excited to work together. I hope they feel the same.” 

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