Enchanted Garden
Welcome to the virtual 2020 prom
April 18, 2020
American Sign Language teacher and prom organizer Claudia Barthuly ironed masks today because her husband’s business needed them by Monday.
It was not supposed to be like that.
“Ideally, I would be at UIL Region with my spelling team because they are awesome,” she said. “Then I would be at at the Marriott as soon as we were finished, if it was early enough. I had taken pictures of how things would be set up and so they would have no problem assembling while I was not there.”
The masks, the cancellation of the UIL academic meet, and the end of prom—all because of a virus no one had heard of when school started.
COVID-19 swept through China and the rest of the world in early 2020, and with it came closures, cancellations and quarantine.
Starting at the beginning of the school year, Barthuly worked on planning prom and decorations with help from junior board members Lindsey Pattison and Cole Wageman.

The flower watering can remained in teacher Claudia Barthuly’s car until today because it reminded her of prom.
“And then a few of my kids helped, like Colton Seidel and my ASL club president Bailey McGoldrick, Bailey Parentaeu, Anna Johnson and Madison Koop—various kids assembled everything,” Barthuly said.
Barthuly said she did not go to her high school prom because of her “stupid boyfriend.”
“They all go, with or without, and they have a blast,” she said. “I’d love to see something in the summer. I’m sad they didn’t get to experience it. I’m glad my kids got to put it together.”
Despite the disappointment, Barthuly put it in perspective.
“The best thing to remember is that the kids are all safe and healthy,” she said. “That’s the most important part of all of this.”

“It’s disappointing. It’s not fair. It’s not anything any of you did. It’s a right of passage that will be denied to this year’s students. But, as time goes on, it will become a lesson. And, it will become a distant memory…nothing more than a talking point over a dinner 10 years from now. In a class where so many incredible athletes, academics, artists, writers, achievers, dreamers have emerged, you will also be the ones who have been forced to grow up a bit faster, move onto the next phase of your life just a little sooner and you will be better for it. It doesn’t seem like that now, but you will be. Make the things that ARE in your control the special moments in your lives…YOURS is the generation of technology. YOURS is generation of the future. Your senior memories won’t EVER be like anyone else’s. Not ever. <3”
Babette Maxwell
Dear seniors,
I am so sorry this is how your senior year is ending. I know this is not what any of you had in mind, but I appreciate those of you who’ve stepped up as leaders during this time of social distancing. Those of you who I had the pleasure of teaching, thank you for letting me be a part of your education! I miss you all more than I can express with words. Y’all are pretty darn amazing, and I can’t wait to hear about some of the things you do with your lives. Because while a pandemic is guiding the end of your high school journey, it is just that – a journey. You have so many options before you, and once social distancing eases up, you’ll be free to go change the world. Make good choices. Be kind to others, and don’t forget that you are loved!
For now, see y’all online,
Mrs. Sellers
“Seniors, we know today would have been a special day for a lot of y’all. Our last prom, our last chance to dance with the people we care about, and that have been in our life for the past 4+ years. We know there were a lot of things we didn’t get to do, but we just want to say thank you Class Of 2020 for these last few months and making the short time we had together, one to remember, forever.”

Dear Seniors, You deserve a better world. You are strong, smart and resilient and I know that when you rule the world, it will be better. I miss you so much!
Kathryn Rutledge

“In life, it is important to do well. But, it is more important to DO GOOD.
I love you, class of 2020, and I will miss you!”
Librarian Amanda Trussell

“Use this as an opportunity to change the future. Don’t worry about what could have or should have been. Be happy to have had the experience and learn from it. We will always be Rangers at heart! Be strong and be safe!”
Debbie Shewbridge
Best Smile: Caleb Mosley and Alyssa Spulak
Class Clown: Ewan Salter and Tanyse Moehrig
Cutest Couple: Austin Howell and Gabi Smith
Best Friendship: Julia Butz and Taryn Beman
Best Bro-mance: James Dearduff and Jack Barry
Most Likely to Succeed: James Mendez and Jacqueline Lafond
Most Likely to Become an Olympian: Joe Hunt and Avianna Trinidad
Most Country: Matthew Riggs and Emma Watson
Best Dressed: Jerry Maldonado and Tandy Folsom
Most Athletic: Trey Witcher and Jezell Shows
Most School Spirited: Jake May and Hanna Cadena
Most Likely to Be Elected President: Taylor Brooks and Carissa Clancy
Will Do Anything For a Retweet: Brett Dildy
Life of the Party: Luis Camacho and Hanna Cardena
Best Nickname: Jacob “Meatball” Forton and Taylor “Tbonz” Bonser
Most Likely to Be Late to Graduation: Bryce Black and Jenna McDonald
Most Dependable: Hayden May and Mackenzie Ramos
Best Glow Up: Jarek Wells and Danielle Hernandez
Biggest Simp: Josh Johnson
Miss Congeniality: Haley Cadena
There is such a lack of respect in this country today. Always be respectful to others and stay open minded. Just because someone’s opinion is different then yours, doesn’t make it wrong, it makes it their opinion.
Make every Friday a Jolly Rancher Friday! 
To My Seniors. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t accomplish something. You can accomplish anything you put your mind to, and work hard for! So go out into the world, make smart choices, make your mark, and know you are loved by those of us who knew you when…. 
Christina Post