For both remote and in-person learners, finals take place Dec. 16-19.
7 Tips for Finals (because 7 means perfection)
Ways to aim for better test results (and a better state of mind!)
December 10, 2020
Tip 1: SLEEP
It may seem like either cliche advice or a time waste when you could be cramming, but a study done at Baylor University proved that students with more sleep are more likely to get better grades than students who stayed up studying or talking to friends.
Tip 2: Use any resources given by the teacher
Your teacher created this final, meaning when they tell you what is going to be on the exam or give you a review, you should listen. Use what they give you, because it was designed to help and prepare you. This will help you identify what you need to work on and what you already know.
Tip 3: Start studying early
If you start studying early, you won’t have to cram at the last minute, resulting in more sleep. Studying early can help you identify any problem areas and allow you time to seek help from your teacher. Ask questions and review any assignments you struggled with.
Tip 4: Take breaks
Splitting up study time with breaks allows your brain to rest and focus better, while making studying more manageable. You can also reward yourself after periods of studying with a piece of that snack you love.
Tip 5: Study in groups
Studying with others can be a lot more fun than studying alone. You can create fun ways to memorize the information and teach each other. Teaching has been proven to help people retain knowledge better. Apps are also a great way to learn too: try out Quizlet or Quizizz for a more engaging study experience.
Tip 6: Prioritize
You know which exams will be the hardest and which classes you most struggle in, so plan your studying specifically to enhance your knowledge in those areas. Start with the harder exams and then review for the easier exams.
Tip 7: Be healthy and exercise
We have all heard it and all ignored it. What do they say on PSAT/SAT days? Eat a nutritious breakfast. Why? Because it actually helps. Eat a good breakfast before each exam and avoid caffeine. Drink water to stay hydrated and, again, get sleep! Staying healthy will keep a clear mind. You can also exercise or walk around while you study, which will not only help you in the health department, but will also help you remember/learn the material.