The student news site of Smithson Valley High School in Spring Branch, Texas

Root of the problem

September 19, 2022

A survey conducted by the Charles Butt Foundation showed 77% of Texas teachers surveyed seriously considered leaving the profession in 2022, a 19% jump from 2020. 

“I don’t think schools in the state do a good enough job to retain teachers,” said Amy Wyer, Faculty Success Coordinator for Texas A&M University. “Retention efforts like fair pay and ensuring their work environment and culture are a positive light are absent in Texas schools.”

Wyer left her role of assistant principal at R.J. Richey Elementary School in Burnet in December.

“I never went into education for the money, but I was approaching retirement age, and I wanted to make sure I had enough quarters with social security so that I could collect it after retirement,” Wyer said. “I would not have been able to collect social security if I had stayed in a leadership role in the public school system.”

Educators across the nation have been fighting for fair pay and liveable wages for decades, and Comal school district is no stranger to that fight. More than 30 Comal teacher job openings have been posted since the first week of school.

“I think teachers are leaving for various reasons,” said Bobbi Supak, Assistant Superiendent of Human Resources and Customer Services, “from personal reasons – staying home to care for a family member to economic reasons – fields outside of education are offering extended pay with bonuses.”

Comal teachers did not receive a salary increase for the 2020-2021 school year. Their salaries were frozen again at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year; however, they received a 3% increase after the bond election in November and a 4% increase at the beginning of this school year. 

“I think with any employee, we need to be aware of our culture, climate, and work expectations,” Supak said. “The district has a compensation task force that looks at compensation for employees and makes recommendations for future years to the board of trustees based on our budget.”

While the district has begun increasing salaries again, the years of plateaued pay will have a permanent impact on teachers.

Retirement salary for Texas teachers is based on the average of their five highest salaries times 2.3% times their years of service. So, the longer they work, the more money they are able to collect, but sometimes, that’s still not enough.

“If I were eligible for any of the social security that I had already paid into,” Wyer said, “it would have been significantly reduced if I had taken a retirement from the public school system.” 

Along with their salary struggles, teachers have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as they now have to find new ways to teach.

“Prior to COVID, I wouldn’t have to put lessons on Google Classroom and be responsible for my classwork,” history teacher Tracy Medina said. “It does have a lot of benefits because if you’re a student and you’ve missed school, you can access your work that same day. But, I don’t think a lot of students and parents realize that it’s two different lessons. It’s a lot of extra work for teachers.”

Not only are teachers impacted by their own workload, they are also impacted by the work of their students.

“There are lots of data points that show elementary students a year after returning from the COVID shut down are, on average, more than a year behind on their reading and math,” Wyer said. “That’s hard for students, and that’s hard for teachers to recover from. When there’s no additional resources to fill that gap, it becomes their responsibility, so it’s an additional stress and burden.”

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