Any student caught at school with an ecigarette, vape or marijuana will immediately go into an alternative education program effective Sept. 1, according to a new state law.
Legislators passed the law to prevent the use of vapes in school restrooms, create a safer learning environment and provide specific disciplinary guidelines to administrators.
“It’s great that the state is on our side preventing the spread of vaping and pushing them out of tobacco for the health of our students,” assistant principal Matthew Sutherland said.
Previously a student caught vaping would receive a fine of about $100 and have an average of two to three days of detention, but now stricter discipline is hoped to discourage the use of e cigarettes by possible threat of DAEP (Disciplinary Alternative Education Program).
According to Comal school district’s AWARE anti-vaping site, “A minor charged for possession, purchase, consumption, or receipt of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) can be punished with a fine of up to $100. The court may also order the minor to attend an e-cigarette and tobacco awareness program.
“Dab pens (vape devices with THC oil) carry much higher penalties. The possession of a DAB pen is a state jail felony regardless of the amount of THC oil contained within.”
Getting caught with a dab pen could mean 180 days in jail and up to a $10,000 fine
“I approve the new law but what needs to be added is the use of metal detectors, ” teacher Chris Helkey said, “because what kids would do is hide them in their underwear and become unable to be searched there.”
Teachers and school staff approve of the new law.
“I don’t think vaping got bad from lack of initiative,” Sutherland said. “Admin struggled and had no support on the subject, but now we have the state on our side, we will be seeing a huge needed change.”
As the school year progresses, administrators and teachers will keep an eye on the new law’s impact.
“It’s just kids trying something new or trying out new trends,” Helkey said, “and with nicotine being addictive it will just be around.”
New vaping law to send offenders to alternative education programs if caught
Photo by Nery Zarate on Unsplash
Texas House Bill 114, which was passed by legislators this summer, mandates that any student found in possession of a vaping device on district property or at a district event will be placed in a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) regardless of the content of the device.