College: Texas A&M University
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite High School Memory: My favorite memory from high school is making it to the state championship in football and being able to play at the Cowboys Stadium in Dallas.
Piece of advice: Learn to balance fun and work. You don’t want to have too much fun to where you neglect your school work and put yourself into a hole. You also don’t want to work yourself to exhaustion leaving no time for anything else.

College: Trinity University
Major: Neuroscience
Favorite High School Memory: Physics boat project
Piece of Advice: Avoid A-Wing bathrooms

College: West Point

College: University of Texas
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite High School Memory: My favorite memory from high school was going to state in football
Piece of Advice: Challenge yourself because it is easier to drop a hard class than it is to join a hard class after a month has gone by

College: University of Texas
Major: Biology
Favorite High School Memory: Going to the state game at the Dallas Cowboys stadium for cheer
Piece of Advice: Be up for anything. When opportunities arise, take them. Have fun in high school, and learn how to balance school, work, and social life.

College: Texas A&M University
Major: Mechanical engineering
Favorite High School Memory: Starting a business and getting to sponsor a school event
Piece of Advice: Never turn down opportunities. Even if they may ruin one weekend or change plans, an unexpected opportunity could change your life and open a door that could inevitably lead to a successful future. Always try to notice and take advantage of opportunities that come to light.

College: University of Texas
Major: Plan 2 and Government
Favorite High School Memory: Troupe 3743 sweeping the acting awards from One Act Play bi-district competition, a reflection of our hard work and dedication to Smithson Valley’s production of Iphigenia.
Piece of Advice: Apply Hanlon’s Razor to your outlook on life. Much of my time has been wasted over the careless actions of others, but attributing mistakes to ignorance makes life amiable at best and manageable at worst. People are preoccupied with their own busy, chaotic lives, and recognition of this fact alleviates the burdens of social convention and shame.

College: Southern Methodist University
Major: Chemistry/Pre-Med
Favorite High School Memory: Working towards earning medical certifications in CCMA classes
Piece of Advice: My advice is not to fixate so much on class rank and doing all you can to get into every single college. Focus more on the classes and extracurriculars that will make you a happier, better person and student, and the rest will fall into place

College: Texas A&M University
Major: Landscape Architecture
Favorite High School Memory: When I competed in the VASE (Visual Art Scholastic Event) Art Competition my sophomore year and qualified for State. It was my first time competing in an art competition that big and only the second art contest I ever entered, so I was super shocked when my art teacher emailed me telling me I was a State Qualifier. It was so exciting and completely unexpected.
Piece of Advice: Be your own person and don’t follow the crowd. You will find what you enjoy, your passion in life, and the people you want to surround yourself with by being Christ-like to everyone and not trying to fit in or please other people.

College: Texas A&M University
Major: Agricultural Communications and Journalism with a minor in Graphic Design
Favorite High School Memory: Having the opportunity to photograph the state football game in Arlington this year. While I’ve taken photos at many other sporting events throughout the years, it was definitely the biggest and most exciting. Being down on the field at AT&T Stadium was a completely new experience. With our passes, we were able to walk everywhere underneath the stadium and into the press box, and it was so cool to see how everything works.
Piece of Advice: My advice for high school would definitely be to start strong and completely apply yourself from the very beginning. Even though it will be hard at times, try to enjoy the little things, do what makes you happy, and don’t take anything for granted. With everything, stay focused on God.

College: University of Texas San Antonio
Major: Electrical Engineering
Favorite High School Memory: Eating chemicals in AP Chemistry
Piece of Advice: Relax, high school is a chance to try new things and have fun.

College: Texas A&M University
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Favorite High School Memory: All the stolen moments laughing with friends at the lab tables
Piece of Advice: Go out and make memories because each stage of life only happens once

College: Undecided
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite High School Memory: Going to senior prom with my friends and teammates from the tennis team. I have made so many lifelong friends through tennis and it was really fun to reflect back on my experiences now that I’m a senior
Piece of Advice: Stay on top of everything you have to do. Don’t procrastinate or set anything aside that you can get done now. Stay focused on your assignments, but also enjoy high school while you can

College: University of Texas
Major: Economics
Favorite High School Memory: Playing Spike Ball in physics class
Piece of Advice: Allowing your nerves to spiral out of control only hinders your ability to accomplish the task at hand.