Senior year a stepping stone to bigger, better things

January 12, 2016
The life of a student exists in stages. Each of us start in elementary school, learning the fundamentals. We are taken care of, amenities are provided for us and life is good. Then we progress to middle school where things get a little tougher. Suddenly, we are expected to work hard, and develop ourselves in extracurricular activities. Middle school, for many students, is the first real taste of self determination and responsibility. As we grow even older and graduate into the realm of high school, students are faced with still increased influence over their own lives. Each of these phases serve to build us up into the creatures that we will need to become in order to be successful in the next stages of our lives. The graduation from high school into a college environment is, for many, the natural next step.
College, like high school before, and middle school before that, is an advancement. Honestly, it’s a positive thing. It means you have more ability and skill than you had before. As a senior, I know how to drive, how to make my own money, and cook my own food. I can shape my world to be what I want it to be. But right along with these abilities come responsibilities, and it is this that most people have a harder time accepting. The fact that I can drive means that I’m expected to. The knowledge that I am physically capable of preparing a meal frequently means that I am compelled to. And simply that I am old enough to get a job to my parents means that I am required to. High school graduation is a good thing, and getting into college is even better. But almost as much as I’m looking forward to all of this, I’m dreading it.
However, I am ready for college, despite my hesitations. To a large degree, I think all seniors are. After four years at this school, most of us do want to move on, to graduate to the next thing. I am no exception to this. Any reluctance that I have, or that any senior has, is superfluous. Graduation can be difficult and uncomfortable, but ultimately, change is a necessary part of the human experience. We all need to move on eventually. Besides, if we never proceeded to college, then what would high school have been for anyway?
Sometimes, transitions from one stage of education to another can be hard, but they are necessary. Everyone grows up at some point.