Finally flipping through this year’s pages
Yearbook distribution set for Monday at all lunches; books still available online
Seniors Jack Mobley and Rebecca Covington flipping through this years yearbook, recalling past books and cherishing their last.
May 16, 2019
Every year the yearbook student staff creates a book containing all the memories and photographs for the school year. Every year they create a wonderful and creative collection for students, staff and parents to purchase and keep to look back on. Every year eager students bombard the media team with questions on questions about distribution.
This year, yearbook distribution will be held during A, B and C lunches in the front foyer on May 20. Students who have already purchased a book will grab a green or red pass from their fourth period teachers and head down to pick theirs up.
Green passes go to the green line, and those who get a red pass will go to the red line to pick up their personalized yearbooks. Once students receive their book from either line, they will sign the ticket to prove they picked up their book.
There are still 160 yearbooks available for purchase at for $80.
If purchasing online, be sure to print out proof of payment to show to the staff when picking up your yearbook. These purchases will be picked up in room C105 next to the senior dining hall. If paying with check, be sure to make them out to SVHS.