Blood drive sign-up ends Thursday
FACS members Alexia Harris and Lyndsey Reyes guide Derius Young around school to recruit donors for the Oct. 2 blood drive.
September 25, 2019
When junior Alexia Harris gave blood the first time, she helped save three lives.
She will get that opportunity again during the annual Family and Community Services blood drive Oct. 2 in front of the school.
“It’s helping the community, and it makes us feel a part of their lives” Harris said. “In that moment I felt amazing. I felt like I was a part of those three peoples’ lives.
As of Tuesday, about 90 people had signed up to donate. FACS members accept donation commitments in the senior dining hall during all lunches through Thursday.
“We usually have about 140 donations on the day,” said senior Abby Fisher, leader and organizer of the blood drive.
The school has conducted the blood drive for at least 20 years through FACS.
“This is my third year doing the blood drive, and I love it,” FACS teacher Tina Olcott said.
Sixteen year olds can donate with parent consent and must be 120 pounds. Those 17 and older must be 110 pounds and no parent consent is needed. Seniors who have donated at least six times qualify to get a red cord at their award ceromony at graduation.
“Over the years we have gotten thousands of people to donate blood,” junior Adia Sandoval said. “It helps the community and makes a person feel like they have achieved something.”