Six must-read thrillers
Find some escape in these exciting books
February 19, 2020
Thrillers are classified as books with an exciting plot, so if you want an exhilarating read, you’re in the right place. I have compiled a list of six thrillers I hold dearly in my heart. Happy reading!
6. “All of This is True” by Lygia Day Penaflor

Thoughts: This book is so much fun to read. “All of This is True” is told through emails, interviews, and journal entries which is beyond exciting. It is such a unique and original story, and I loved it. This is a page-turner with tons of twists. It’ll keep you reading, and you should do just that….read it.
Catherine’s Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰
5. “The Good Girl” by Mary Kubica

Thoughts: “The Good Girl” was another super interesting book with a great twist. This has switching point of views which is perfect for a kidnapping story like this. This was insane, and I don’t know what else to say, but “The Good Girl” has now been recommended.
Catherine’s Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰
4. “Here Lies Daniel Tate” by Cristin Terrill

Thoughts: This is everything. I remember never putting this book down. It was such a quick read with an interesting, unique storyline. The narrator kept you hooked and tensed the entire time. But the ending…0h the ending! It’s the reason this book was pushed to No. 4 ,even though it is a great read. I 100 percent recommend “Here Lies Daniel Tate.”
Catherine’s Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰
3. “The Institute” by Stephen King

Thoughts: The narrator- fantastic, the character development- amazing, the story- insane, mind-blowing, I may have cried a little or a lot…who is to say? This story is the best (honestly, maybe it should be higher on this list?). “The Institute” is such a cool book idea, and it was done flawlessly. Some say the ending was a bit unsatisfying, but I mostly disagree. This made me shiver, laugh, love, cry (of course), become super uncomfortable, and sad, but also happy, because yes, Luke Ellis, go! Enough said…just read it.
Catherine’s Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰
2. “Sadie” by Courtney Summers

Thoughts: This is so hard to put down. Sadie switches between a podcast and her story, which is why so many people love the audiobook. I read it in the physical book form though, and it was so immersive. The ending though…so upsetting, but I still recommend it because the story is so good and emotional and beautiful.
Catherine’s Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰
1. “Little White Lies” by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Thoughts: This book is everything, and it’s sequel was just released in November. Now, more than ever, is the time to read this masterpiece. The characters are so real and raw, and I swear you can hear their voices. This story keeps you running, full of shocks and turns and layers and omgjustkissalready! This will be locked in your hands. The formatting is pretty cool too – it switches between posts, the police station and what really happened. “Little White Lies” has humor (ahhhhahahahahah *you snorting while reading*), mystery, crime (lots of it!), scandal (DRAMA), and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
Great Quote: “Blackmail is such an ugly word.”
Catherine’s Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰