Humans of SV garden vandalized
Vandals damaged fencing materials around the new Humans of SV garden on Tuesday.
April 28, 2016
Administrators will investigate the vandalism of the newly planted flower beds in front of the Rotunda on Tuesday. The flower beds were barely there for a week when a group of students threw fencing and littered nearby.
“I was so angry,” president of Humans of SV senior Bernadette Flehmer said. “I would think people would have more respect than that.”
Humans of SV planted the garden on Earth Day Friday with some working more than 10 hours digging up the packed earth, putting in new soil and mulch, and planting native plants.
“It was a huge project,” Flehmer said. “We had been planning for a while.”
Flehmer selected all native plants that would have foliage in all seasons and be able to withstand full sun and droughts.
“We went to South Texas Growers and they supported our project and were so nice to us,” she said.