Fashion students to raise money for American Heart Association

SVHS fashion students to participate in the annual UIW project

Emily Krupa

Sofie Gonzalez, junior, works on her red dress for the UIW competition

Emily Krupa, Staff Writer

As Sophie Gonzalez cuts out the red fabric, across the room, the sound of sewing machines hum. During 5th period, this class of students works tirelessly to finish their red dresses.

The Smithson Valley Fashion II class is participating in the annual UIW Red Dress Fashion Show. The fashion show is sponsored by the University of the Incarnate Word and brings heart health awareness to women through their partnership with the American Heart Association.

“The idea is design students and incarnate word plus area high school design students get to create their own red dress.” Said Shauna Douglass, the fashion design teacher at Smithson Valley high school. 

Students at Smithson Valley are very excited about this project and the cause that it supports.

“I’m really excited. I think it’s giving me a lot of creative license. And it is for a good cause,” junior Sofie Gonzalez said. 

In fact, the whole event highlights women’s heart health and brings awareness to heart health. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 868,662 deaths in 2017 and in 2018 stroke accounted for 1 in 19 deaths in the U.S.

This year, the red dress event will be held at the rolling oaks mall and will feature local gyms, workout trainers and showcase the dresses that won the competition. 

“I’m feeling very confident in these, and I think all of our dresses are going to be really good,” Gonzales said.