The King’s Man
The King’s Man movie is a worthy action film
The King’s Man released on Dec. 22, 2021.
February 2, 2022
The King’s Man, directed by Matthew Vaughn, is a spy thriller about the creation of the assassin group the King’s Men to stop the world from falling in the hands of the worst criminals. Set during the first World War in 1914, a group of hidden spies try to manipulate world leaders into creating and making the war into something that could make the conflict carry on.
Ralph Fiennes plays main character The Duke of Oxford, giving a great performance by balancing the serious yet sarcastic performance of a duke. He was a veteran from recent wars, but hated fighting and killing innocent soldiers that had to fight under orders. He chose to become an assassin, as he would rather kill and hunt down criminals that have a reason to get killed.
Harris Dickson plays Conrad, the son of The Duke of Oxford who lost his mother in front of his eyes and was always forced to stay home by his father, who claimed “the real world is dangerous.” His dad wanted him to become an assassin alongside him, but Conrad would much rather become a soldier and fight for his country like everyone else.
Gemma Arterton, who plays Polly, the family’s maid, is a part of the assassin group and is the sharpest shooter. Arterton played the part very well, pulling off Polly’s egoed and mature persona.
Djimon Hounsou played Shola, the family’s butler. But Shoala isn’t just a regular butler– he is the top assassin. He trains Conrad, as he is a master in martial arts and the art of sword fighting. He is the Duke’s right-hand man.
This movie featured lots of surprises and plenty of moments where the audience can feel their heart drop. The audience could also get their adrenaline running from all the action and suspense that this movie has. It holds many funny and memorable scenes, like the final scene where they express all their hatred into the sword fight that the Duke and the mastermind had. Every movie needs a climax, and Matthew Vaughn did a great job with that. It also contains many great cinematic shots that really make the movie stand out.
The King’s Man definitely shows a great way to show how the other Kingsmen movies were made by showing how many scrafies were taken just to keep the world safe and why the assassin group was created. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who wants a great action movie to watch on the weekends.