Next Stop, Kindergarten
Ready, Set, Teach! students host event for pre-school students
A preschool student holds up his “train” ticket at Next Stop, Kindergarten.
March 29, 2022
As new students enroll into kindergarten this upcoming year, many will not be equipped with the skills that they need to succeed
On March 28, the Ready, Set, Teach program held an event that helped children aged 3-5 acquire those skills for a more successful future in school.
“The activities will make students ready because kindergarten is different from what it used to be,” Ready, Set, Teach Adviser Shauna Douglass said
The event, Next Stop, Kindergarten, was hosted at Bill Brown Elementary
“A lot of us noticed that there is a big gap and parents don’t know what their child needs,” said senior Isabelle Adauto, head of ‘Next Stop Kindergarten, “skills like letters, sound, sorting, compare and contrast, morning routine station.”
These activities help teachers introduce these types of learning activities to the students. If children come into kindergarten familiar with more skills, it will be less stressful for teachers.
“Knowing how to spell their name or even know what it looks like,” Adauto said.”Just learning to count to 20, that would help the teachers a lot.”
The event was friendly to both English and Spanish speakers, with students and teachers translating. It was also catered, with H-E-B donating chips and drinks and Chick-Fil-A sponsored sandwiches.