Senior spotlight: Sam Sifuentes Shaffer
Q&A with class of 2022 student
Sam Sifuentes Shaffer plays varsity football and is captain of the wrestling team.
April 12, 2022
How long have you been wrestling, and what does it mean to you?
I have been wrestling for a total of three years. I initially started wrestling to help me with football. Wrestling was a great way to demonstrate my individual ability.
Describe your role on the wrestling team.
This past year I was one of the team captains. Being a senior, I was one of the people who had experience so I could help a lot of the younger, newer people on the team.
How are you feeling about leaving wrestling behind?
Leaving wrestling is a bit sad, as stopping anything that you’ve done typically is. But it has also given me a lot of valuable experience for me to use in life.
When were you accepted into A&M engineering, and how did you feel?
When I found out that I got into the school of engineering, it was after winning my first two matches of the season. So it being late at night I was extremely exhausted, but needless to say I was very excited to look at my phone at the end of the night and see the acceptance email.
What career do you want to pursue with this degree, and why are you interested in it?
I am not one hundred percent sure on what career I want to pursue, but I am most interested in mechanical engineering which leaves me with the ability to choose from many career choices like something in aerospace or manufacturing.
What aspects of college are you looking forward to?
I am looking forward to not having a scheduled day or life. In high school, it is very set and straight forward. But in college, while I will have a schedule of classes, there is a lot more room for flexibility. I’m also looking forward to being out in the world a little.
And lastly, how do you feel about graduating and leaving high school?
The feeling hasn’t completely set in yet, but it is weird to think that I am seeing some of these people for possibly the last time. I know that it will be both exciting and a bit sad.