The beautiful game
Senior Matthew Capetillo prepares to end his high school soccer career and take his place in the world as a player and as a person
Senior Matthew Capetillo attempts to steal the ball from his opponent.
January 24, 2023
Senior Matthew Capetillo is an artist, but not in the traditional way. From the age of four, he was rarely seen without a ball at his feet.
“Soccer is a culmination of all the best things in sports,” Capetillo said. “ It’s really like art in a sense.”
Capetillo originally had trouble finding the sport for him; he tried football, baseball, basketball but none of them felt like home until soccer.
“As soon as I kicked the ball, it clicked.” Capetillo said. “The sport is infectious.”
He made the field his home and has taken inspiration from those he admires.

“From a young age, I followed Manchester United and England legend Wayne Rooney,” Capetillo said. “ The thing that moved me most about Rooney was his passion and pure dedication to the sport. This is something I try to reflect in my own style of play and leave it all on the line.”
For Capetillo, the feeling of being able to represent his school is unmatched.
“Representing your community and having friends and family watch you under the lights on Friday night is an unexplainable feeling only understood by athletes who represent SV,” Capetillo said.
While Capetillo has always been driven to play, a knee injury put a pause to his goals.
“My lowest point was when I had to endure a two-year injury that halted my soccer career and altered my play style completely,” Capetillo said. “ It was an over the time developing injury called Osgood-Schlatter disease, where I developed a lot of inflammation under my knee that caused debilitating pain.”
Capetillo believes every obstacle that people face is a way to improve and build their character.
“I learned the value of persistence and having the heart to always go out and beat the odds,” Capetillo said.
The value of a sport doesn’t just lie in the physical skills people gain from it, it’s also about the bonds they make and the lessons they learn.
“ This team has taught me the beauty of brotherhood,” Capetillo said. “ I have made lifelong brothers and learned from incredible mentors who have taught me the value and significance of togetherness.”
Capetillo has played with senior center back JD Worley since their freshman year.
“Matt’s the kinda guy you can rely on,” Worley said. “He’s definitely the rock of not only the midfield but also the team.”
The boys are currently 4-6-1 and open district this Friday at Kerrville Tivy.
“He’s always there to clean up a bad touch or pass and I’m lucky to have played with him since freshman year.” Worley said.
Being on a great team requires great leadership, someone who will not only teach the ways of the field but also the ways of life.
Head coach Heather Boss is new this year and has seen the potential Matthew has on the field.
“ He’s very good defensively,” Boss said, “and he has great vision. He’s a very well rounded player.”
Capetillo displays leadership on and off the field.
“He’s the kid that’s always on time, a great role model,” Boss said. “He’s the rock.”
After he graduates, Capetillo plans on attending the University of Texas at Austin and majoring in architectural engineering.
“I don’t think I’m ready to hang up my cleats just yet, and plan on trying out for UT’s very talented club soccer team this summer,” Capetillo said.
As Capetillo leaves one legacy behind and starts another,.
“I have no doubt that whatever he does after high school, he’ll accomplish it,” Boss said. “He’s a great kid.”