Funding for health science education
HOSA collecting donations for club activities
This is HOSA’s second school year of being a club on campus.
February 21, 2023
Health Occupations Students of America, a club dedicated to teaching students about the medical field, opened a fundraiser to collect money for field trips, supplies and anything the club might need.
The fundraiser takes place through March 1.
The students who are part of this organization become CPR certified, get internships, and learn the value and importance of healthcare.
HOSA promotes “career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.”
HOSA, a worldwide organization, made its way to the campus this past year when sponsors Nicole Antenen and Caroline Osborne noticed students enjoyed learning about the medical field and decided to start their own chapter of HOSA.
HOSA, like other clubs, is not sponsored by the school, so the club has to find ways to earn money.
If you are interested in donating, talk to Nicole Antenen ( in Room A108 , Caroline Osborne ( in Room C102 or Sara Mefford ( in Room A104. Call 830-885-1000 for information.