Beginning as a gesture of affection in Missouri for the first homecoming football game in 1911 the mum has now become a part of the annual homecoming tradition in Texas.
Mums first appeared in Texas during the 1930s. Boys and girls both had roles in making each other a mum and garter, which they would exchange the night of the homecoming football game.
Over the years, this tradition has faded as most students began to buy their own.
“My mom buys mine,” sophomore Kaida Braswell said. “So maybe it’s just become to where the parents do it for the kid, not relying on a boyfriend to do it.”

Showing off her school spirit senior Juliana Roman happily poses with her homecoming mums in between classes
Personalizing a mum makes the tradition unique to each student.
“I didn’t do the school colors, I did my favorite colors,” sophomore Lily Boyer said. ”Then I added stuff that represents the kind of person I am.”
All the ribbons and different accessories can rack up a hefty price, with the average mum costing $75-500+ depending on style.
“I would make it cheaper and more available for everybody,” senior Kaya Poesch said. “Imagine wanting a mum so bad and not being able to have one just because of how much your family makes.”
Although the tradition of gifting a mum to each other has slowly diminished, the new trend of buying one for yourself can be just as intriguing.
“I think making it for yourself is more up to date with the new age,” Poesch said, “like self love and not needing to rely on others.”
Starting in Missouri, the joy it’s brought to Texas students is irreplaceable.
“It’s a fun little tradition and I like it,” Poesch said. “I’m excited to see everyone’s personalized mums.”