Blood donors must sign Zika waiver

Hannah Pittman donates blood during the 2015 blood drive.
September 28, 2016
The school will partner with South Texas Blood & Tissue Center Friday for this school year’s blood drive. However, according to Family and Community Services sponsor Lori Niles, one particularly big change will be in effect.
“If [donors] are 16 or 17 years old they have to have a parent signature signing off that they will [have] their blood [tested] for the Zika virus,” Niles said, “and if they do not have it signed, they can not donate at all.”
Zika is a virus that is spread by mosquitos and can cause birth defects in fetuses of infected mothers.
Niles said about 175 students signed up for donate on Friday.
In order to donate, 16 year olds must weigh 120 pounds and 17 year olds must weigh 110 pounds.
Students had to sign up by Sept. 26 to donate; no walk-ins will be accepted. Donors also must bring in their consent forms.
Senior Alyssa Boggs, advisor for the blood drive, said, “The Zika form is probably the biggest difference.”
How to get ready for the blood drive.
The day before
- Be at least 16 by day of donation
- Drink eight glasses of water
- Get a good night’s rest
The morning of donation
- Eat a full meal four hours before donating
- Bring valid picture ID
- Wear easy to roll up sleeves
When you get there
- Bring filled out consent forms
- Donate your blood
After the donation
- Avoid physical activity