FACS delivers annual Halloween greetings

FACS delivered boohoos to students across campus on Friday.
October 28, 2016
Boohoo isn’t what you’ll say when you get one of these.
Students in Family and Community Services, led by Lori Niles, are giving students the opportunity to show their friends appreciation while also helping a good cause.
“The money raised goes towards our scholarships; our senior scholarships.” Niles said. “It’s our fundraiser.”
Boohoos are a tradition in which students order $1 paper Halloween messages, candy included, for their friends.
“It’s just been a project Smithson Valley has done you know, maybe 25 years.” Niles said.
The 160 FACS students have spent the past two weeks receiving orders and putting together grams.
“They had fun yesterday,” Niles said. “I wish I had taken pictures of them.”
Despite the fun, students working on the project have come across quite a few problems. If someone was expecting a boohoo and didn’t get it, go to Niles’ room C106.
“The only difficult part is when people forget to put room numbers on the paper and we have to go through a big book of schedules for every kid in the school to find the room number of this one kid,” junior Maddie Kutac said.
All 160 FACS students have been working on organizing the grams by class periods and teachers room numbers. It takes all of them to get all othe grams done by deadline.
“They will deliver them on Friday,” Niles said.
The FACS director doesn’t only take on a ton of work, but she does it well and is someone students can always look up to.
“I adore Mrs. Niles.” Kutac said. “She’s so sweet and does everything she can to help you with anything and everything. She’s on top of it all, too. She knows exactly what needs to be done and when that deadline is, I respect her so much.”