Tis the season to be thankful
Media team expresses gratitude

The media team gathers for a photo in the computer lab.
November 18, 2016
Laney Rendon- Staff Writer
“I, Laney Rendon, am thankful for my friends, family,and the support and opportunities this year has offered.”
Gwen Shallin- Broadcast
“I’m thankful for being able to be here on this Earth with all the people that I care about and love.”
Wesley Cornelius- Sports Editor
“I’m thankful for my friends and family.”
Hudson Murphy- Staff Writer
“My name is Hudson Murphy and I’m thankful for sugar free lollipops and John Grogan, author of Marley and Me.”
Wyatt Tomallo- Staff Writer
“My name is Wyatt Tomallo and I’m thankful for my family,friends, and Billy Mays. I’m thankful for my family and friends for being there for me and for OxiClean always getting the stains out when times are tough.
Emma Sipple- Web Editor
“I am thankful for my family, my friends and my teammates.”
Jack Padgett- Staff Writer
“I am thankful for my supportive family and amazing friends.”
Drew Rash- Broadcast
“I am thankful for my very supportive mom and dad.”
McKayelyn Clark- Broadcast
“I am thankful for the opportunity of education.”
Bobby Palomin- Editor
“I am thankful for my family, friends and breakfast tacos. I love my family and friends for always standing by me and being supportive of me. And I also love breakfast tacos because in my opinion they are the superior food of all foods.”
John Garza- Staff Writer
“I am sincerely thankful for my newspaper team this year, they are all hardworking and I hope they’ll stay after I graduate next year. They’re going to very far in life.”
Jack Mobley- Broadcast
“I am most thankful for my friends, family, and the faith we share.”
Megan Myles- Design Editor
“I’m thankful for being able to come to school to see my friends and demonstrate my skills and prepare myself for my future education.”
Rebecca Covington- Staff Writer
“I am thankful for my supportive friends and family who inspire me to be the best person possible.”
Lauren Krailo- Broadcast
“I am thankful for the relationships that I have in my life”.
Donovan Murphy- Broadcast
“I am thankful for my friends and my family.”
Aaron Rodriguez- Broadcast
“I am thankful for all the opportunities God has put before me that have allowed me to do what I love.”
Alex Alvarado- Staff Writer
“I am thankful for my friends and family who will always be there no matter what.”
Emily Gibson- Broadcast
“I am thankful for all of my friends who stand by me no matter what”
Sydney Braswell- Staff Writer
“I’m thankful for the opportunities I get and the people in my life that push me to pursue them.”
LJ Haider- Social media advisor
“I am thankful the most for my faith and all the amazing people on the newspaper staff, always making my day 100% better.”
Brandon Arnold- Staff Writer
“I’m thankful to be apart of this newspaper and broadcasting team. I’m thankful for my family and friends. I’m thankful for God and what all he’s done in my life.I’m thankful to be able to play the sport I love.”
Liam Weeks- Broadcast
“I’m thankful for my friends,family, and all of the things that God has blessed me with.”