Assuring Acceptance
New club focuses on promoting equality and respect for all individuals

The new club members take a group photo in January in Alejandra Sanchez’s room.
February 8, 2017
Tackling human rights issues to addressing internal struggles with acceptance, the new Students United for Respect and Equality club strives to create a “safe space” for people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, religions, disabilities, cultures and classes. The first of its kind in Texas, S.U.R.E.’s goal is to improve school climate by providing a forum dedicated to combatting challenges, such as discrimination and racism, through the promotion of respect. “S.U.R.E. is about all types of students coming together to support respect and equality for everyone, and to go out and help our community with these values in mind,” junior Sean Kelly said. The concept of the S.U.R.E. club originated in New Jersey as a response to hate crimes and bullying in schools. Teacher Alejandra Sanchez and sophomore Avery Phillips decided to bring the concept of acceptance and a safe place to combat conflicts, especially with high political tensions. “It’s a safe place for any gender, any race, any sexuality, no matter what you have done or will do,” sophomore Sidney Naud said. Members hope to raise awareness of the diversity in the Bulverde and Spring Branch area and build an awareness of and sensitivity to multicultural, social, and multiethnic issues, including community to global issues regarding marginalized groups. “S.U.R.E. is a great opportunity to meet like minded people who share the same ideals and desires,” sophomore Kendall Toste said. “I’m really excited about how it’s going to help get people’s voices out into the community.” Meetings take place in Room A108 at 4 p.m. every second and fourth Wednesday of every month.