UIL brings home gold
Academics team, theatre and speech win district sweepstakes

Former UIL coordinator Denise Nipper and current UIL coordinator L. Sellers hold up the first place academic team plaque while sophomore Niles Nelson watches in the background.
March 29, 2017
The UIL academic team took home the UIL sweepstakes at district competition on March 25. They also won first place overall in academics, second place and first place in journalism.
The individual results are listed below. Next, the team will go to regional competition at UTSA on April 8.
2nd Place: Davis Jones
Calculator – 2nd Place Team
5th Place: Aleacia Messiah
Copy Editing
1st Place: Rebecca Covington
2nd Place: Emma Sipple
3rd Place: Audrey Pauletti
Current Events
5th Place: Bradie Dean
2nd Place: Laney Rendon
4th Place: Rebecca Covington
5th Place: Emma Sipple
3rd Place: Rebecca Covington
6th Place: Laney Rendon
3rd Place: Emma Sipple
5th Place: Rebecca Covington
Informative Speaking
4th Place: Danielle Payne
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
1st Place: Paige Brann
5th Place: Calli Pesina
6th Place: Ross Stoutamyer
3rd Place: Emma Sipple
4th Place: Laney Rendon
6th Place: Rebecca Covington
Number Sense – 1st Place Team
1st Place: Ross Stoutamyer
4th Place: Audrey Pauletti
Persuasive Speaking
1st Place: Alex Warner
4th Place: Julia LaFond
5th Place: Hannah Marfin
6th Place: McKaelyn Clark
Ready Writing
4th Place: Bradie Dean
Science – 1st Place Team
1st Place: Jared Pauletti
3rd Place: Jacob Foster
4th Place: Nick Belovoskey
5th Place: Aubrey Medrano
Top Chemistry: Jared Pauletti
Alternate for Chemistry: Nick Belovoskey
Top Physics: Jared Pauletti
Alternate for Physics: Jacob Foster
Social Studies – 1st Place Team
2nd Place: Bradie Dean
3rd Place: Brandon Warren
4th Place: Jared Pauletti
6th Place: Abby White