Dodge for Diabetes tournament

Two teams skirmish for first ball in beginning of round.
May 12, 2017

Senior Britney Bitgood shows off team shirt for dodgeball tournament.
Student council’s annual dodgeball tournament takes a shot today at 6 p.m. in order to raise funds and spread awareness for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Twenty-two teams are going head to head against one another for first, second and third place medals in competition and only one team will receive the title for “Best Dressed.”
Senior Ron’Dell Harley will be part of the many in the tournament with his own team,”Murican Soldiers” made up of senior Kolten Kellogg, freshman Garett Duross, John Ruybal, and sophomore Aaron Cruz
“I’m trying to improve my throwing,” Harley said. “But we’re definitely not ready.”
On the other hand, senior Britney Bitgood looks forward to having fun in the competition with her team “Watch Ur Balls.”
“I mean, we’re a team of un-atheltic misfits,” Bitgood said, talking about an all senior girls team with Abby Winkler, Ann Mark, Madeline Ferguson, and Kennedie Broussard. “But I think we have a chance.”
There will be a $3 admission fee for each individual and all funds go to the foundation.