Spinning Into Action

December 18, 2017
After a season of marching in the fall, the color guard is ready to step into winter guard season.
Color Guard uses a variety of equipment, such as flags, rifles, and sabres, to make a visual presentation in a show. In the fall, color guard performs with the marching band during football halftime. When the band competes, the color guard is also there.
The color guard has its own performing and competition season called Winter Guard. It is almost everything that is done in the fall minus the band and the outside performances.
“Winter Guard starts at the very end of marching band season.” Color Guard instructor, Mr. Woodfield said.
The guard uses recorded music and performs more theatrically, because the spotlight is on them. The guard also presents new tricks, such as more tosses and skillful movements. Not only do they work with equipment, but it also uses dance and theatrical skills.
“It’s fun learning new things on flag and rifle.” senior Megan Barker said.
In 2016, the school’s color guard won Texas Educational Color Guard Association Scholastic Regional A Red Champions with its show “Love Is You.” In 2017, it received fifth in state in TECA with its show called “Red Dress Baby”. This year, the guard’s competition performance will be “Applause.”
“Every show has a story and every show is different”. senior Carlie Gothard said, “Most shows use depressing and nonfiction to get emotion from the audience, but we do upbeat shows to hype the audience.”