School plans for senior, junior dance

Senior Maria Rocha dances the 2017 prom.
February 12, 2018
As Prom comes closer, the committee running prom are finalizing more details. The biggest detail of all, the theme for Prom, has been announced and it is Arabian Nights.
“It was a previously thought of idea that had not been voted on,” Prom director Amy McKnight said.
Prom will be held on May 12 in the JW Marriott.
“This year’s Prom is sponsored by the Career and Technology Department. Administration has been working with the teachers so this prom will be a huge success for out students,” Principal Michael Wahl said. “At this time students have chosen the theme, we have secure the location, and reserved the DJ. Our spring semester will be devoted to finalizing these plans.”
This year, the Prom committee faces a new and different problem. Traditionally the junior class officers would oversee the decorations of prom, however there are no junior class class officers to help with the planing this year.
“Junior class officers will eventually be voted on,” McKnight said.
Prom and Senior Skip Day also happen to line up in the middle of AP testing week. The tests that will occur on Senior Skip Day are Biology, Music Theory Physics C Mechanics, and Physics C Electricity and Magnetism.This forces AP students to responsibly prepare for their tests. For the full AP schedule click here.
“Any senior that is considering to skip on Senior Skip Day needs to remember out Spring Semester Exemption Policy. Students are only allowed four absences to be considered for an exemption. Senior Skip Day counts as an unexcused absence,” said Principal Wahl.
Prom is not the only scheduling issue with AP tests. May 18 is a bad weather day off that we have not needed to use yet. This means that there is a chance that AP students taking Human European History and Human Geography will have to take their tests at a later date. The European History will be on May 23, the Geography test will be on May 25, which is also during senior finals week.
“They have to plan ahead for studying” said test coordinator Lauren Jones. “Work with your teachers if you want the college credit you need to have your priorities in line”