Silver Spurs and Silverados fiesta their way to the top
Both JV and Varsity teams place high with their fiesta-themed dances at competition.

Silver Spurs dance team celebrates their victories at a former Crowd Pleasers competition.
February 13, 2018
Saturday. February 10, the Silver Spurs and Silverados dance team competed at the Crowdpleasers Contest at Canyon High School.
The Silverados got 1st in JV medium team category for pom, jazz, and lyrical, grand champion JV team in medium category, and overall grand champion JV team – which means they are the number one JV team out of all the JV teams at the contest.
The Silver Spurs elite team got 1st in the medium ensemble category with their contemporary dance.
Silver Spurs officers took home 1st in extra-large category for jazz, 3rd for contemporary, and received officer elite showcase award – meaning their performance was exceptional and they had amazing choreography.
Silver Spurs team awards included 1st in extra-large team category for lyrical and pom, 2nd for jazz and kick and pom received a crowdpleaser award.
Overall the Silver Spurs placed 2nd in the extra-large division which had either 7 or 8 teams in it and also placed 2nd out of the entire competition.
The Silver Spurs ranked higher than a few of their biggest competitors including Hays, Vandergrift, and Johnson.
The Varsity and JV teams both continue to excel and show improvement with each competition season.