SPUD week exceeds donation goal
Food, basketball, dodgeball and bright green T-shirts highlight week of fund-raising events
March 9, 2018
SPUD (Students Performing Unselfish Deeds) week included spirit nights at Specht’s General Store and Ay Chiwawa, Taco Tuesday with ROTC, a faculty-student basketball game Wednesdau and the annual dodgeball tournament Thursday, all to raise funds for cancer survivor Sequoia White and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Checks and donations were presented during a ceremony in the main entrance hallway Friday afternoon.
With FACS sponsor Tina Olcott celebrating at the top of the stair, FACS representative carry the banners announcing the grand total of $5,190 raised during SPUD Week. That exceeded the goal of $5,000. SPUD (Students Performing Unselfish Deeds) week included spirit nights at Spech't Store and Ay Chiwawa, Taco Tuesday with ROTC, a faculty-student basketball game and the annual dodgeball tournament, all to raise funds for cancer survivor Sequoia White and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.