Infinity and beyond
The third installment in the Marvel Avengers series blows audiences away

Marvel Avengers: Infinity War was released on Apr 27, 2018. It quickly rose to becoming the fifth highest grossing film of all time.
May 23, 2018
Avengers: Infinity War is the 3rd installment of Avengers series, which features a supergroup of heros from the Marvel whose goal is to protect the people of Earth and the universe. The movie has been hyped up for years as all of the Marvel movies have led up to this film. Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, this film is the most grand yet, as it features over 20 of some of the most beloved Marvel heroes some of which have had some of their own solo movies.
The movie had many positives that contributed to its resounding success in the box office. It delivered on almost all levels as most critics found it hard to find the places where Infinity War could’ve been better. Rotten Tomatoes rated the movie at a certified 84 percent. The movie surpassed 1 billion dollars globally as it became the 5th highest grossing movie of all time globally.
The premise of this movie is that Thanos (Josh Brolin), a powerful supervillain from the moon Titan, is striving to achieve his life goal of collecting all of the powerful infinity stones in order to wipe out half of the population in the universe. The movie does a great job developing Thanos’s motive for his destruction with an emotional monologue towards the end of the movie explaining how his idea to eliminate half of the population on his planet didn’t go through, leading to the destruction of all on his planet and him as the sole survivor. The movie focuses mostly on Thanos, as it shows his journey to collect these stones, as well as showing the Avengers and other superheros attempt to stop him.
The movie begins in the middle of the action as Thanos forcefully takes the Space Stone from Loki killing him and Thor’s best friend, Norse, as Thor is forced to watch. This was a very emotional scene, that lets the audience know they are in for an action packed movie as it takes place before even the title scene.
Following this tone setting theme, the movie goes from different viewpoints of the hero’s, fitting in separate yet related plots that gel together nicely throughout the movie. After the collection of the Space Stone, Thanos sends his minions out to collect two more infinity stones as he goes on his own search for the rest of the stones. The minions as well as Thano’s search for the stones set up other plotlines for the movie.
The biggest way that the movie delivered was the humor, containing hilarious moments while also knowing when not to crack a joke. Characters like Drax, Star Lord, and Iron Man kept the audience laughing throughout. Another positive was the inclusion of almost all the Marvel universe characters, with each having their own part during the near three hour runtime of the film.
Finally, the movie’s controversial and jaw-dropping ending left the audience flabbergasted as many people left their seats in shock. This was a bold move for the movie as it is so unexpected and unsatisfying that it’s an ending that’s easy to hate yet it was the conversation of the country for the days following the release.
Although the movie had positives that greatly outnumbered its negatives, it had its moments where it could have been better. One of the movies largest disappointments takes place as Bruce Banner is unable to transform into Hulk following his first appearance at the very start of the movie. This continues throughout the movie as Hulk never contributes to the fight which proved to be frustrating for both the characters on the screen and the audience watching.
Another negative had to be some of the plot holes the movie had, as many wondered why Thanos didn’t use his infinite power to just accomplish the goal of getting the resources he thought the universe needed to survive. Also in a very head scratching moment of the movie Star Lord is unable to hold himself back as he learns of the death of his love Gamora while he could have waited literally 190 more seconds for the Avengers to remove the gauntlet from Thano’s hand.
Overall this movie is a must-see. It delivers on almost all levels and is definitely not a waste of three hours. It will practically force you to want to be a part of the Marvel fanbase as you become attached to the story, and its a rollercoaster of emotions to watch.. This movie proves to be one of Marvel’s finest, and you surely won’t leave the theatres disappointed.
Rating: 9/10