Seniors stressed with college deadlines approaching

Some of the college banners hanging in the senior dining hall.
November 30, 2018
Between school, work and sports, seniors are already stressed as it is. On top of this, college application due dates are coming up.
Seniors are struggling over the deadlines and ensuring they don’t miss the deadline to their dream college.
Some of the most popular universities and their deadlines are:
- University of Texas at Austin: December 1, 2018
- A&M at College Station: December 1, 2018
- Baylor University: February 1, 2019
- Texas State University: March 1, 2019
With a few of Texas’ major colleges deadlines approaching fast, seniors are panicking over what to prioritize: their English essay or their college application.
“I’m stressed out because I am constantly busy between school work and work, I feel like I have no time to complete my college application,” senior Joel Alvarado said. “I also feel like I have no clue where to begin.”
Seniors are struggling with what to do when it comes to college, it is a whole new world that they haven’t been exposed to and have no experience in. However, there is a number of seniors already accepted and committed to colleges.
“I was accepted to Abilene Christian University with a $36,000 scholarship,” senior Mark McWhorter said. “It’s like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing I don’t have to worry about getting accepted anymore.”
Arguably the biggest decision of a person’s life is college. Specifically, where to go, what to major in, what to minor in, whether to stay on campus or not, whether to go in state or out of state, the investment or how many loans to take out and so much more. College is a huge investment and a large part of decision making is the cost of the university.
With all of these deciding factors on the minds of seniors, they have one thing to look forward to: an answer. After all the stress, time, and money, the hard work pays off as soon as the acceptance letters come in.