A new spin on winter guard

Freshman Ariel Melendez warms up on her rifle during her seventh period color guard class. “I think that it will be interesting to see a skill level difference between newbies and veterans, separating us and all,” Melendez said.
December 3, 2018
As marching season ends, the color guard has been working on their own show for the next incoming season, called winter guard. Winter guard is when the color guard performs by themselves without the marching band, using recorded music instead.
However, the color guard is doing something different this year. Since there are over 30 members of guard this year, Instructor Samuel Woodfield has decided to make a junior varsity and varsity guard.
“At first I was very apprehensive about having a varsity and a junior varsity winter guard,” senior Jordan Leyendecker said. “I felt as though it would separate us as a team. As time has passed, I am a little more on board with the idea because it gives a chance for those who have the ambition to do well and show what they have learned in color guard and what they are capable of. I look forward to seeing what winter guard brings this year.”
According to Leyendecker, the guard are currently practicing their tryout routine, in which they have been working on for roughly two and a half weeks.
“Over the years I have watched each new generation of color guard members not only grow in quality but in their capabilities,” Leyendecker said. “Each year the new members learned faster and faster to the point where we now have freshman on rifle line.”
There are currently 19 new members in the color guard.
“This year we started with about 33 to 34 members in color guard,” Leyendecker said. “Since marching season, we have dropped to 30-31 members. I believe this is because people did not realize how rigorous guard and band is. We are often called the nickname, “The fake dance team.” This, I believe, is because most people do not understand what we do. Dance is a great organization, but you cannot compare it to color guard.”
After try outs, members will be sorted into either the varsity guard or the junior varsity guard.
“I think that it will be interesting to see a skill level difference between newbies and veterans, separating us and all,” freshman Ariel Melendez said.
Guard members look forward to what the new season brings.
“The routine is kinda easy,” freshman Selena Tian said. “I’m really looking forward to the songs and performances.”
The color guard’s first performance and contest will be on January 26 at Medina Valley HS.