Angel Tree deadline approaches
Gifts due to front office by Dec. 7

Ornaments with children’s wish lists can be picked up in the front office. Gifts are due by Dec. 7.
November 30, 2018
FACS is sponsoring the Angel Tree Project another year. This project offers a way to help children who don’t have the privilege of receiving gifts this upcoming Christmas.
Partnering with Cindy Hurst, the director of the Bulverde/Spring Branch Angels, FACS welcomes students to participate in bringing joy to younger kids for the holidays
In the front office is a tree with ornaments on it that have the child’s gift wish. You can sign up to gift a child what they want with your club, class, team, office group or even your family.
To sign up the steps are:
- Select one or more ornament(s).
- Separate the copies of your ornament.
- Fill out the white ornament and leave the envelope next to the tree.
- Take the colored ornament with you to assist in your shopping.
- Purchase the gift on your ornament, wrap it and tape your ornament as the gift tag.
- Return gift to front office or C106 by Friday, Dec. 7.
“I have been participating with the Angel Tree Projects for a long time now,” junior and FACS member Taylor Vela said, “so I’m happy we’re bringing it to Smithson Valley because it gives the kids the opportunity to give back to the community.”
In addition to the gifts from the angel tree, FACS will also be collecting blankets and small electric heaters to give to families to stay warm this winter.