Hitting the right notes
Sophomore gains popularity
January 13, 2016

Twitter has the power to make anyone famous by sharing a video or photo and sophomore Anjelica Rios was one of them. On Nov. 7, Rios posted a video of her singing the famous Christmas song “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey and the same day a popular twitter page called Best Acapella reposted Rios’s video, which got 3,289 retweets and 7,154 likes.
Q: What made you want to start singing?
A: I started singing when I was very little; it’s always come naturally to me. What made me pursue it, though, was the feeling that it gave me. Singing makes me feel special because I know that it’s a skill that not everyone has. Also, it’s my best outlet whenever I’m frustrated or upset. I just sing my heart out until I feel better.
Q: What age did you start singing?
A: When I was around 2 or 3 years old, mainly along to my parents’ Luis Miguel CD in the car. I didn’t even know what I was singing because it was all in Spanish. But I loved it; singing is fun.
Q: Which genre of music do you sing?
A: I can sing pretty much from choral to pop, country and Christian. But, my all time favorite genre is R&B soul music. I like to connect with the words that I’m singing, which is why I love singing soulful songs that have a lot of emotion.
Q: Do you write your own songs? If so, how many?
A: I do! I started writing in sixth grade. I’d say I have about six in total. But a lot of them are still unfinished. I just can never figure out the right endings to the unfinished songs.
Q: Have you performed at any events? If so, which ones and how did you feel?
A: Yes, most of my events include school talent shows or choir programs, but I’ve also been asked to perform as a pre-show for a local theater a few times. I’m also the cantor at my church, which means that I lead all of the songs and hymns every Sunday. I love performing songs for people mostly because I always strive to make a connection with my audience. It’s beautiful knowing that I can touch someone’s heart just by singing. It’s the most rewarding feeling in the world.
Q: What are your aspirations for the future?
A: My dreams for the future include being a Christian singer/songwriter. Most of my songs that I write are about my faith. I strongly believe that God blessed me so that I could spread his word and hopefully make a difference in someone’s life.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: Ten years is a long time from now, but I see myself finishing college. Starting a career, possibly starting a family. But above all else, I see myself being happy.
Q: How would you define music?
A: Music is a way to express how someone feels when you can’t put into words the way you feel yourself.