Lifting off into opportunities: The Rocket Club

An Overview of The Rocket Club


Addison Coerver

The Rocket Club was started this school year by Debora Parker.

Addison Coerver, Staff Writer

It’s not everyday that you get to launch a rocket over 800 feet in the air.

It is for the rocket club.

Building rockets, studying science, learning how to run an organization and fundraise are a few skills rocket club sponsor Debora Parker wants the members to have. 

The Rocket Club is currently in the American Rocketry Challenge which is a tournament with 5,000 students participating nationally. 

The President of the club is junior Chesney Gains, she is in charge of meetings and activities. Parker founded the club but she believes in having students lead the class. 

Meetings are held after school Mondays and Thursdays which consist of a brief talk about competitions and then it’s time to start working on the rockets. 

When the time comes to launch the rockets, the students will get together on Saturdays in the school parking lot. 

All students are welcome whenever they would like.

“I was worried at first when we started this club, since I had never done it before,” Parker said. “I was scared I was going to start a fire, but turned out to be super fun and the kids love it!”