Choosing your future

Course selection forms are due Friday, Feb. 28.


Catherine Diel

Schedules are to be turned in Friday, Feb. 28

Catherine Diel, Social Media Manager

It’s that time of year again: the days of stressing over which classes you want to stick with for your next year.

Last week, students of all grade levels received their course selection form, and freshmen and sophomore received information on how to fill out that form during the advisory period Friday. This week, Feb. 24-28, students are expected to work on filling out that form.

Counselors will be meeting with freshmen and sophomores throughout the week in their World Geography or World History classes to answer questions and get them to input their selections in the Naviance program. 

“That’s new for us this year, the Naviance Program,” Lead counselor Marcia Murphy said. “But it has a lot of cool things we’ll be able to do with the program so we’re glad the district purchased it.” 

Marcia Murphy is in charge of much of the schedule selecting process. She explained that the counselors begin the process by giving information to students and sending emails home to parents so they are aware as well.

Then they walk students through the required courses, which are four credits of English, Science, Social Studies, and Math, one fine arts credit, one PE credit, two foreign language credits, and enough other electives to total 26 credits. 

Seniors have the chance to take an off campus or get into a work program class. Upperclassmen and underclassmen have different courses available to them and should take that into consideration when making their decisions.

“There are just some courses you are not able to take until you take the prerequisite for,” Murphy said “Freshmen/sophomore year, we’re talking more about the prerequisite, and then junior/senior year we’re talking about the more advanced level in those career pathways.” 

After students are aware of their requirements and their choices, they fill out a selection form and put their choices in Naviance. 

With all selections in the program, students should still get their course selection forms turned in by Friday, Feb. 28 with parent signatures.

Even though they are done with the stress of selecting courses, students are still worried they will not get their top picks, and that is a possibility which is why having alternatives is crucial.

Murphy explained once the counselors get the paperwork, they save them for the alternative choices. Then, using Naviance, they pull all the information received into a master schedule program and then play with it so that teachers are teaching their classes at the best times for the students overall schedule.

“We just keep moving things around to make it fit for the most of the students that are requesting.” Murphy said. 

Upperclassmen have first pick, as they have less time to finish all requirements before graduating.

“The higher you are in grade level, the better chance you have [of getting your top picks],” Murphy said. 

The counselors often have to choose an alternative class for the freshmen so that upperclassmen can take the classes they need to take, because freshmen will still have three years to get that course. 

“Make good choices.” Murphy said.

The counselor explained that when students come to registration in August, often they want to make changes to their schedule, but those classes are too full. It is best to make changes before the master schedule has been made.

“When it gets close to the first day of school then things are locked in and it’s hard to move things around.” Murphy said. 

If students have any more questions, they should see their counselors at student services. It is recommended that students ask to make an appointment or email their counselor so they can schedule a time to meet. They may also walk in, but they should be aware their counselor may be busy.